If you are experiencing a dental emergency during regular office hours, contact us at 904-733-4200. If your emergency occurs after office hours, please call our office answering machine for more information.
We understand that dental emergencies do arise and can happen anytime. Alexander Dentistry strives to respond as quickly as possible. Our dentist in Jacksonville, FL, reserves special times throughout the day to treat patients with emergency dental needs. Please call our office as early in the day as possible so that we can best accommodate your dental emergency.
It is important not to ignore a dental emergency to avoid permanent damage. Common dental emergencies are persistent toothache, pain in the teeth, jaw, or gums, broken teeth, knocked-out teeth, broken fillings, and swelling in the gums or mouth.
What To Do In A Dental Emergency
Don’t panic! In the case of a dental emergency, it is important to stay calm and have a plan. Did you know that tooth enamel is considered the hardest mineral substance in your body? When a tooth experiences trauma to enamel, there is little you can do without an emergency dentist. Here are a few tips to help you deal with unforeseen accidents.
Knocked-out Tooth
If you have a knocked-out tooth, contact our office immediately. If possible, retrieve the tooth by the crown (the top part of the tooth usually exposed in the mouth). Gently rinse the root in water if it is dirty, but do not scrub or remove attached tissue fragments. Store the tooth in a small container with your saliva or milk. Knocked-out teeth have the highest survival rate if they return to the socket within one hour of being knocked out.
Lost or Broken Filling or Crown
Contact us immediately if you have a lost or broken filling or a tooth crown. Do not use temporary measures such as glue to replace the filling or crown. Use an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease discomfort. Avoid using the affected tooth. It is best to avoid eating very hard, cold, and hot foods to prevent infection and more pain.
If you have a toothache, contact us as soon as possible. You may try rinsing your mouth with warm water or flossing to remove any lodged food. If you have swelling, a cold compress applied to the outside of the mouth or cheek may alleviate discomfort and reduce swelling. Do not put painkillers directly against the gums or aching tooth, as they may damage the gum tissue.
If you suspect you have an abscess, contact our office immediately. An abscess is a potentially serious condition that can worsen with time and spread the infection to the rest of your body if left untreated. To ease discomfort, try rinsing with a mild saltwater solution. Do not attempt to open or drain the abscess.
Emergency Dentistry FAQs
Dental emergencies can happen to anyone at any time. Learn more about dental emergencies and how to care for them by reading the answers to these frequently asked questions.
Can I go to the emergency room for a dental emergency?
No, a licensed dentist must take care of dental emergencies. Emergency rooms typically don’t have a dentist on staff. You can go to an emergency room if it’s something with a bone break or a soft tissue injury. But anything for your teeth needs to be taken care of in a dentist office.
What’s the most common dental emergency?
People most frequently experience toothache or tooth pain. A variety of different things can cause tooth pain. You may see swelling or bleeding to confirm that it’s an emergency, but you may also not see anything. Call us immediately, especially if the pain is sharp or sudden. It can be hard to diagnose tooth pain until it is seen by an expert who performs diagnostic tests.
Can I prevent a dental emergency?
Dental emergencies can happen at any time. You can’t stop them, but you can take steps to reduce your chances or minimize their consequences. Keep up with oral healthcare to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. You can also keep a dental emergency kit on hand to ensure that you’re prepared when one does happen.
Is the treatment going to be worse than the problem?
If you have dental anxiety, you’ll likely worry about the treatment options for your dental emergency. But we ensure that all of our patients are as comfortable as possible, no matter what treatment they need. We use local anesthetic to numb the area, and we have multiple sedation options to keep you relaxed throughout the entire procedure.
How do I know if I have a dental emergency?
We classify a dental emergency as anything requiring immediate treatment and can’t wait for a scheduled appointment. Emergencies include tooth pain, a knocked-out tooth, a broken tooth, or a dental restoration. If you have to question whether it’s an emergency, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
What can I do for a dental emergency at home?
The first thing you should do is call our office. Then, you can be seen as soon as possible. Use over-the-counter pain medication to relieve a toothache and a cold compress to minimize swelling. Recover any pieces of broken teeth or dental restorations so that you can bring them with you to your appointment. You can use gauze to stop any bleeding that’s occurring.
Schedule a Dental Exam
If you have recently experienced tooth trauma but have avoided visiting the dentist, you may be at risk for more dental issues. Unaddressed tooth damage can open up many more dental issues if left untreated. Schedule a visit to Alexander Dentistry today. We are a judgment-free dentist office in Jacksonville, Florida. Give us a call at 904-901-4302 for more information.